E8 : Interview with Josh Latimer – Capstone Episode of the Beginning with the End in Mind Series.

Nov 18, 2021

On this episode of the Firepreneurs Podcast, we interview Josh Latimer. Josh is a home services expert having built and sold a seven figure home services company. He took the experience and knowledge he gained from home services and built a software company called SendJim that is also now a multi-million dollar a year business. With his experience from both, he has also coached and mentored thousands of small business owners with his coaching and consulting company Automate Grow Sell and Conquer. In our interview today, we take a Tim Ferris approach to the questions, inspired by the book “Tribe of Mentors.” Since Josh has been a virtual mentor to Bennett in his entrepreneurial journey, we wanted to ask some questions that we felt would provide valuable insight and advice to our listeners. This one is filled with “gold nuggets” and great quotes. Enjoy! For more with Josh Latimer, check out Honor and Fire and The Growth Vault Podcast!

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